Episode 29 - 99 Problems but 96k Can't Solve Them


Published on March 23, 2018. Article by Dailymail.com reporter.

Ok so Saul Mata Vellegas (30) won a large settlement (96k to be exact) in NY from a car accident.

So instead of celebrating with his family and leaving the money in a ugh I don't know bank lo,l he was walking around with the settlement in a briefcase.

Vellegas decide to party hard and acquired the company of three women who work in the oldest profession of prostitution.

After allegedly having sex with the three women, two armed masked men come rushing in and left with the entire settlement at a motel in the Bronx.

Vellagas now confused of an apparent setup says he really needs that money to help move his family and is haunted by the robbery.

The 3 women and 2 masked men are still at large with no trace of that money.

Photos and video of the incident are viewable in the link below.

