Episode 18 - The Good Samaritan


Article by BET's Rachel Herron via Fox 19 Cincinnati. Wednesday, September 20th, 2017.

Golf Manor, Ohio- Nazier Elahee is being praised for thwarting the kidnapper of an 11 year old girl. This incident happened right across the street of a police precinct.

Jessie Woodard, Jr. (37) abducted the 11 year old girl when Elahee who is seen on surveillance video stopped the kidnapper. Elahee said he observed as Woodard & the 11 year old girl walked by him she made no sound but with her mouth said "help me" several times. Elahee immediately confronted Woodard by asking the girl 'do you know him?' The girl said no. Elahee then asked Woodard if he knew the girl & he said 'no, I'm taking her home.' Woodard then tried to flee but Elahe called the police & pursued him to the Zee Food Mart. Police arrived shortly later.

Woodard is charged with kidknapping.


* http://www.missingkids.com/Hotline
800-THE-LOST® (1-800-843-5678).

* http://www.blackandmissinginc.com/Hotline
Landover Hills, MD 20784-9431
1 (877) 97-BAMFI

* Above are child abduction hotlines that can be called in the event a child is kidnapped, abused, or harmed.
