Episode 1 - Pilot

Hynde Site Episode 1


The purpose of this podcast is to inspire & answer questions about the martial arts for folks who may want to train in the martial arts.

Topics covered will be daily or weekly events concerning robberies, assaults, car jackings, stabbings, & domestic violence. The purpose of the show is to deal with these real life attacks with techniques that EVERYONE can use.

All material contained on this web site and podcast is provided for informational purposes only. Before undertaking the study of any martial art, you should consult with your physician. You should be aware that if you engage in the martial arts, you are doing so entirely at your own risk, including any present and/or future physical or pyschological pain or injury that you may incur. We at Hynde Site cannot assume any responsibility or liability for any injuries or losses that you may incur as a result of acting upon any information provided by this website, or any links to other sites found herein. Nor can we assume any third party liability arising out of any legal actions you may be involved in as a result of the training you received by engaging in a study of any martial art as presented by this website or any other source cited herein either directly, or through the use of hyperlinks. Although there may be a number of instructors, dojo, other organizations, seminars and other activities listed in this website, we at Hynde Site cannot be responsible for their claims, instructional strategies, materials, facilities, or consequences that may arise by studying any martial art under their supervision and can make no recommendations or inferences as to the quality or effectiveness of their instructional programs.
